
"Vi bytte till Race Timer i somras när det gäller tidtagningen vid Tjejmilen och är nöjda med den service som Race Timer stått för. En stor fördel med bytet var att vi sparade in hundratals arbetstimmar för våra funktionärer i och med vi slapp registrera chip plus nummerlapp före tävlingen och sedan samla in chipen efter loppet."

Christer Clefberg, Tävlingsledare Tjejmilen

"Collaboration with RaceTimer made the run up to the race and the work after the race much simpler, resulting in much less work needing to be done. Our relationship with RaceTimer was most pleasant and highly professional."


Henk Bruggeman, Organiser of Sevenaerrun

"The 39th Merenloop in Grou on 8 March 2009 was a great success with 1000 runners. This was our first year working together with RaceTimer. The price was right and the result was good. With only a small organisation and not very many volunteers, the electronic timing by RaceTimer proved to be very hassle-free. The organisers had very little to do both during the preparations and the work involved after the run. Cooperation with RaceTimer was first-class.

The results processing on the Internet was fast and the competitors highly appreciated the video footage of the finish. Your company was evidently on the same wavelength as the organisers. The presence of RaceTimer gave the finishing, professional touch to our event."

Nico van Ginkel, Merenloop

"Collaboration with RaceTimer made the run up to the race and the work after the race much simpler, resulting in much less work needing to be done. Our relationship with RaceTimer was most pleasant and highly professional."


Henk Bruggeman, Organiser of Sevenaerrun

"Thanks to RaceTimer and their sponsoring service we had a very attractive sponsor at our event; this generated a highly appreciated sponsorship contribution for us!"

Johan Klykens, Head of Sponsoring Affairs Corrida Leuven

"We experienced the collaboration with RaceTimer as very pleasant and highly professional."

Michel van de Sluis, Director Enschede marathon

Rahul Pawar, Race Director Newham Classic 10K London UK
Newham Classic 10K

"I must say RaceTimer timing system has been big hit with the participants of the Newham Classic 10K run especially the finish video clip is a very good memory for runners to share with friends and family. RaceTimer has made my day with excellant performance. We have been able to put up a world class race timing management system. Looking forward to work with you in all our future races."

Rahul Pawar, Race Director Newham Classic 10K London UK

"Vi i Norrköping var med från de första stapplande stegen då Racetimer föddes. Idén var lysande och potentialen i produkten var enastående. Det var lätt att se att det kunde bli en succé om den utvecklades på rätt sätt.

Nu har det gått sju år och produkten/tjänsten fungerar alldeles utmärkt. Vi har använt oss av Racetimers tidtagning i Grabbhalvan, NT-knatet och Söderköping Stadslopp under många år och kan nu konstatera att, i princip, alla löpare får sin sluttid – och att den är korrekt."


Håkan Stenbäck, Sportchef, IK Norrköping Friidrott

Vi har använt Race Timer de senaste åren och är mycket nöjda med hur tidtagningssystemet fungerar. För en tävling som Hässelbyloppet med drygt 3 000 löpare ser vi flera fördelar jämfört med andra system för tidtagning som vi använt eller studerat:

  • Chipet för tidtagning fäst på nummerlappen. Enkelt för löparna.
  • Chipet behöver inte återlämnas. Enkelt för oss som arrangörer som kan skicka ut nummerlapparna med posten och som sedan slipper problemet med att samla ihop chipen efter loppet.
  • Snabb och korrekt resultatservice. Brutto- och nettotid, placering och mellantid finns på Internet några minuter efter det att en löpare passerat mållinjen.
  • God service från Race Timer före och efter loppet när det gäller produktion av nummerlappar och när det gäller upprättning av de få fel som blivit i den preliminära resultatlistan.
  • Kul extraservice med att alla löpare kan se sin egen målgång på Internet.

Bengt Alfredsson, Tävlingsledare Hässelbyloppet

  • RaceTimer is super-fast at producing the results.
  • RaceTimer has a media stand where the results can be viewed immediately after the finish.
  • RaceTimer has proficient in-house technicians and computer specialists who are able to supply information in many different ways.
  • RaceTimer can release a link with Wegwed or otherwise establish a link that can be used by the organisers.

Mac van der Klaauw, Finish Recording Team Leiden Marathon

"The 23rd Amgen Singelloop Breda was held on Sunday 5 October 2008. For the second year in succession we used RaceTimer as our timing system. During the event in 2007 it was evident that there were a few teething troubles in the system but they had all been solved before the BN/DeStem Mastboscross Breda in January this year. The adjustments that were made included: dual check points at the start and finish line and a high-tech backup system.

It is with full confidence that we have again requested RaceTimer to see to the timing of the Singelloop Breda. All competitors have been given a gross and net time, in other words: registration has been 100%. For a small monetary sum, RaceTimer sent out the start numbers for us this year. In short: a reliable system that also clearly reduces the workload for the secretariat!"

Amgen Singelloop Breda and BN/DeStem Mastboscross Breda

"Vi bytte till Race Timer i somras när det gäller tidtagningen vid Tjejmilen och är nöjda med den service som Race Timer stått för. En stor fördel med bytet var att vi sparade in hundratals arbetstimmar för våra funktionärer i och med vi slapp registrera chip plus nummerlapp före tävlingen och sedan samla in chipen efter loppet."

Christer Clefberg, Tävlingsledare Tjejmilen

"The 39th Merenloop in Grou on 8 March 2009 was a great success with 1000 runners. This was our first year working together with RaceTimer. The price was right and the result was good. With only a small organisation and not very many volunteers, the electronic timing by RaceTimer proved to be very hassle-free. The organisers had very little to do both during the preparations and the work involved after the run. Cooperation with RaceTimer was first-class.

The results processing on the Internet was fast and the competitors highly appreciated the video footage of the finish. Your company was evidently on the same wavelength as the organisers. The presence of RaceTimer gave the finishing, professional touch to our event."

Nico van Ginkel, Merenloop

"As chairman of Stichting 20 van Alphen I would like to compliment you on the service your company provided to our organisation. We are proud to inform you that we fully endorse the decision we took last year to avail ourselves of your services yet again in 2009, and that you and your team have ensured that our trust in your company has in no way been betrayed. Indeed, I had the impression that you (in close cooperation with our joint partner Rob Pauel of Prorun) did everything possible to ensure that everything ran smoothly in Alphen aan den Rijn. You did that with success! My sincerest thanks."

Kees van Veen, Chairman Stichting 20 van ALPHEN