Results from Wantijparkloop 2008

3 km Vrouwen

The result list is ordered by gross results
Gross time: Your time calculated from the start gun signal.
Net time: Your time calculated from the passing of the start line.

Displaying all 12 results
Pl. Name YOB Club/City/Country # Net Gross
1 » Sylvia van Gemert Parthenon 1252 (14:42) 14:43
2 » Joline van Zoggel Parthenon 1297 (17:03) 17:07
3 » Sacha van den Heuvel Parthenon 1008 (18:31) 18:33
4 » Conny Buitendijk Parthenon 1026 (18:38) 18:41
5 » Sharine Markes Parthenon 968 (18:47) 18:50
6 » Ellen Tio Parthenon 1016 (19:00) 19:03
7 » Jolanda Kramers Parthenon 1015 (19:00) 19:04
8 » Marcella van der Zee Parthenon 1299 (19:16) 19:18
9 » Marjanne Eilers Nederland 1011 (19:52) 19:55
10 » E van Til Parthenon 1017 (21:51) 21:54
11 » Maaike Schmitz Parthenon 1471 (22:11) 22:12
12 » Marijke Groos Parthenon 1298 (22:14) 22:17