Results from Wantijparkloop 2008

1 km Jeugdloop Jongens

The result list is ordered by gross results
Gross time: Your time calculated from the start gun signal.
Net time: Your time calculated from the passing of the start line.

Displaying all 6 results
Pl. Name YOB Club/City/Country # Net Gross
1 » Rowan Naaktgeboren Nederland 999 (3:44) 3:44
2 » Finn Joosten Parthenon 1492 (4:55) 4:55
3 » Jasper van de Heydt Parthenon 1485 (5:10) 5:14
4 » Raid Algaleely Parthenon 1499 (5:12) 5:15
5 » Elmar Kilian Parthenon 1497 (1:57:50) 1:57:50
6 » Late entry 331 (2:33:13) 2:33:13